Here are pictures of a few pieces that can be purchased. They are not restored as yet, but they can be done in fairly short order. If you don't see what you want, please ask. I can probably find it.

Three band AM/Shortwave radio with extra audio input factory installed. Will work with a Bluetooth receiver. Has a tuning eye and automatic tuning

Meant to function as an endtable, it is a three band AM/Shortwave with automatic tuning. Bluetooth input can also be installed

Less expensive version of the 11S474 above, it has all the same features. These are a very popular radio.

Built by Wells-Gardner for Montgomery-Wards, it's a unique piece in that it uses a 35mm filmstrip to project the dial scale onto an opaque screen and the dial scale moves when the radio is tuned. It also has a tuning eye. It's a three band AM/Shortwave radio. This one is completely done. You can take it home immediately!